Our Mission
We Are All Americans/We Are All Ukrainians
“The status quo ante will not come back. You are seeing a huge change in Europe in response to Russia — not based on American pressure, but because the threat perception of Russia today is completely different: We understand that Putin is not talking about Ukraine alone, but about all of us and our way of freedom.” Joschka Fisher, former German foreign minister speaking to the New York Times. (Emphasis added.)
On September 12, 2001, the French newspaper Le Monde carried an editorial titled, “We Are All Americans.” The editorial, written by Jean-Marie Colombani said, “…how can we not feel profound solidarity with those people, that country, the United States, to whom we are so close and to whom we owe our freedom, and therefore our solidarity? How can we not be struck at the same time by this observation: The new century has come a long way.” When this article was written, it was forecasted by some that relations between the United States and Russia would move closer than ever as new global threats emerged in the 21st Century. Today, that notion is seen for what it was – fiction. The invasion of Ukraine has stripped away many the tenets of globalism that we thought were part of the world order. Russia is a totalitarian state where freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and access to the truth does not exist. The barbaric military operation, backed by the Russian population which has remained behind an “Information Curtain” which is just as oppressive as the “Iron Curtain,” exposes the true nature of Putin and his global intentions. Likewise, the support China has offered Putin illustrates that nation’s commitment to authoritarian rule.
In light what has been unleashed since February 24, today’s editorials should read, “We Are All Ukrainians.” As the German foreign minister said in the quote above, the attack on Ukraine is an attack on all democracies. The people of Ukraine have borne the awful brunt of this attack. Freedom-loving and democracy-loving Americans must therefore support Ukraine, its people, and the countries that have so valiantly offered refuge to the displaced people of Ukraine. This is the mission of this website – to help the people of Ukraine, regardless of where they currently reside. Through donations to aid organizations and participation in the to the events that can be found on this website, hope and solidarity can be shown to the people of Ukraine.
The mission of UkraineGiving.info is to help individuals find events and charitable organizations that are helping the nation of Ukraine. At this time, events are concentrated in the Chicago area but, as the need arises, the site will expand to other cities. Local, national, and international aid organizations are listed on the site under “Agencies.” The site provides the following information (when available) about each organization:
- Name
- Description
- Website
- Financials Link – from ProPublica’s Nonprofit Explorer – (U.S.Charities)
- Charity Navigator Link
- Charity Navigator Star Rating
- City
- State/Country
- Telephone
- 501(C)(3) Status – Ture/False – U.S. Charities only
- Dedicated Giving – True/False – (can funds be dedicated to Ukraine)
- Founded – year the agency was started
- Comments – any other relevant information.