In This Season of Hope
A Message From the Founders.
The Holiday seasons means many things to people across the globe. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazreth who they believe brought a message of love, forgiveness, and nonviolence to the world. In the Islamic community, the observance of Ramadan will begin on March 22, 2023 and end on April 21. According to the Islamic Networks Group, “In Ramadan, Muslims commemorate the revelation of the Qur’an, and fast from food and drink during the sunlit hours as a means of drawing closer to God and cultivating self-control, gratitude, and compassion for those less fortunate.” (Emphasis added.) And the Jewish celebration of Hannukah cemmorates successful guerilla tactics where the Jews drove the Seleucid king of Syria out of Jerusalem. Thus Jews regained their ability to celebrate their religion without the threat of foreign domination. In this, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is similar. Since February 24, 2022 the people of Ukraine have suffered a military invasion remiscent of the darkest days of World War II.
The Ukrainian people, however, have given the world a model of strength, courage, and most of all displayed a deep faith in independence and self-determination. In the U.S,, we celebrate the Fourth of July as a reminder of the principles upon which this government was founded. The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Without a commitment to these principles, a full and rich life cannot be lived. And that is the threat the Russia poses to the world – domination of one people by another without their consent – tyranny and dictatorship. In this season of hope, the founders of this site ask you to consider a donation to any of the organization we feature on this site. The image above is from Ukraine Trust Chain, a group with ties to the Chicago area. Ukraine Trust Chain funds teams on the ground in Ukraine and provides aid directly to those who are in need. What better way to celebrate our common humanity than by helping those who struggling to uphold their principles we hold so dear.